Cyber threats of growing variety hit all sizes of organizations almost daily, from small businesses to the federal government. Those who aren’t anticipating cyber threats and how to take care of them may be pressured to handle an issue when they least expect it. Below are eight reasons you should buy cyber liability insurance. You’re dependent on technology for your …
10 Habits of Good Cyber Security You Should Know (Pt 2)
Cyber security has been a hot topic recently in the insurance industry. In fact, 2020 was a year of change for many. The businesses that lacked digital abilities established networks in a matter of weeks or months, versus what would have taken years. Regardless of how advanced a business was the work from home dynamic has created a whole new …
10 Habits of Good Cyber Security You Should Know (Pt 1)
Most of us do not sit and think about how secure our information is online, at least not on a daily basis. And when we do think about, most of us don’t fully understand all the nitty gritty details about cyber security. But here’s the deal, wishful thinking that you got it all under control doesn’t help you after you’ve …
Cybercrime. Are you covered?
It’s a reality of the times we are living in today. A lot of us are working from home and that means almost everything we do includes being digitally connected. This increase in online activity also makes us more susceptible to cybercrime. These attacks that we perhaps at one time thought were not as likely to “get me” are now …